Friedrich Joseph Haass

Friedrich Joseph Haass was born on August 10, 1780 to an apothecary in Münstereifel, Germany. He studied in Cologne and Jena, and took his doctoral degree as a physician in 1805. After this, he specialized in ophtalmology. At the age of 26 he arrived in Moscow with the entourage of the Russian prince Repnin and became soon one of the most respected physicians of Russia, making it to the circles of the wealthy. As medical supervisor of the Moscow Prison System, he was aware of the inhuman conditions of the prisoners, the so-called "Unfortunates" from all parts of Russia, which were banned to Siberia and had to march in chains from Moscow to Siberia. Haass tried his best to alleviate their ordeal and to comfort them. He found his place in history as "Holy Doctor", and is still venerated as such by the Russian people. Many writers such as Dostojewski, Tolstoi, Solshenitsyn, Kopelew and Boell mention Haass and his acts of charity in their literary works. Haass has been a builder of bridges in more than one respect:

* between social classes: between the rich and the poor
* between nations: between the Germans and the Russians
* between churches: between the catholic and the orthodox christians.

The beatification procedure for Haas was induced by Cardinal Meisner, the Archbishop of Cologne, upon the initiative of the Archbishop of Moscow.



The Friedrich Haass Society received the Robert Bosch Foundation Award for its active support of contacts between Germans and Russians. In order to support civic society in Russia and German-Russian cooperation, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the German - Russian Forum under the patronage of the German President Dr. Horst Köhler awarded this year its medal of honor to the Haass Society (Bad Münstereifel) for having organized the German-Russian school project "Tracing Dr Haass in Moscow and Münstereifel". This year´s price was awarded to both the Haass society and the "Memorial" society. In 2003, both organizations organized a student exchange from Moscow and Münstereifel, where the students visited places of the "holy doctor" in Germany and Russia.

Tracing Dr. Haass in Bad Münstereifel

The day belongs completely to the traces of Friedrich Josep Haass. Visit the birth house, the memorial place and much more besides. Drink a cup coffee in Heino's cafe. Perhaps you are served by him.

Kontakt / Archivmeldungen

Friedrich J. Haass Gesellschaft
Im Elsengarten 15
D-53902 Bad Münstereifel

Fon +49 (0) 2253 - 54 23 25 3

Fax +49 (0) 2253 - 54 23 25 6


Zum Krieg in der Ukraine:


Die Münstereifeler Haass Gesellschaft lieferte seit Kriegsbeginn in acht Hilfsgütertransporten Medikamente, Hygiene- und Pflegemittel sowie Schulsachen und Kleidung nach Odessa zum Janush Korczak Rehainstitut.

Den Spendern, die diese Transporte möglich machten, sei herzlich gedankt.





    SULLE STRADE DEI           



 - Friedrich Josef Haass -

editiert von Prof. Germano Marani SJ, römischer Postulator des Seligsprechungsverfahrens

erschienen bei Cittadella Editrice - Assisi 2021

ISDN 978-88-308-1795-1


"Das außergewöhnliche Leben des Friedrich Joseph Haass" -Biografie einer Legende-

von Dirk Kemper, erschienen im Verlag Herder

ISDN 978-3-451-39051-7


"Der heilige Doktor aus Münstereifel" eine szenische Lesung und Gespräch mit dem Autor des Theaterstücks über Friedrich Joseph Haass, Mark Zak.

Die Veranstaltung fand am 24.5.2022 im Lew Kopelew Forum in Köln statt und ist noch auf dem YOUTUBE-Kanal des Forums verfügbar.

Das von Mark Zak für "Domradio Köln" produzierte Doku-Hörspiel „Der heilige Doktor von Moskau“ ist weiterhin als

Podcast auf der Internetseite abrufbar: